Reminders for the Week
Monday 3/30 - Class Pictures
Individual pictures (with pre-paid packets)
Look for New Spelling Words
Field Trip Permission Slip being sent home
Last Day for Fundraiser
Tuesday 3/31 - Library Check-out
Thursday 4/2 - Data Walk from 5-6:30pm
Friday 4/3 - Spelling Test
Reading = This week, we will be continuing our story Our Family Outing and thinking about Identifying the Main Idea. We will also begin the strategy of Sequencing Events after reading a story. This will help us when looking back into the text and comprehending what we read.
Writing = On Friday, we began our new writing unit of Informational/Explanatory Writing. We looked at the differences between the Narrative writing we have been doing and the pieces we are transitioning to. This week, we will organize our ideas, use a planning sheet, and begin drafting our writing pieces.
Math = This week, we will be switching from Customary Units of measure to Metric Units of measure. We will begin with length, capacity, and mass. Finally, we will look at converting all the units of the Metric systems to help us with real world situations.
Spelling = Look for New Spelling Words being sent home on Monday. We will be testing over them at the end of the week.
Content = Health: Last week, Mrs. Eaton taught both fourth grade teams so much about dental health! We are very lucky to get to hear that great knowledge from an expert! This week we will continue to look at the aspects of preventing dental health problems. Also, be sure to look for permission slips being sent home for our Science field trip to the Nature Center next week.
Highlights from the Week...