Saturday, March 28, 2015

Plays of Week #30

Reminders for the Week
Monday 3/30 - Class Pictures
   Individual pictures (with pre-paid packets)
   Look for New Spelling Words
   Field Trip Permission Slip being sent home
   Last Day for Fundraiser
Tuesday 3/31 - Library Check-out
Thursday 4/2 - Data Walk from 5-6:30pm
Friday 4/3 - Spelling Test

Reading = This week, we will be continuing our story Our Family Outing and thinking about Identifying the Main Idea.  We will also begin the strategy of Sequencing Events after reading a story.  This will help us when looking back into the text and comprehending what we read.

Writing = On Friday, we began our new writing unit of Informational/Explanatory Writing.  We looked at the differences between the Narrative writing we have been doing and the pieces we are transitioning to.  This week, we will organize our ideas, use a planning sheet, and begin drafting our writing pieces.  

Math = This week, we will be switching from Customary Units of measure to Metric Units of measure.  We will begin with length, capacity, and mass.  Finally, we will look at converting all the units of the Metric systems to help us with real world situations.

Spelling = Look for New Spelling Words being sent home on Monday.  We will be testing over them at the end of the week.

Content = Health: Last week, Mrs. Eaton taught both fourth grade teams so much about dental health!  We are very lucky to get to hear that great knowledge from an expert!  This week we will continue to look at the aspects of preventing dental health problems.  Also, be sure to look for permission slips being sent home for our Science field trip to the Nature Center next week.

Highlights from the Week...

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Plays of Week #29

Reminders for the Week
Monday 3/23 = Look for 3rd Quarter Report Cards being sent home and New Spelling words 
**First day to send in the Money for the "Major Saver" Cards
Tuesday 3/24 = 4th and 5th grade Music Performance at 6:00pm in the multi-purpose room and Library Check-out
Friday 3/27 = Last Day to apply for the 5th grade programs - must complete by 5pm

Reading = Last week, we worked on the strategy of "Understanding Words."  This week we will look at ways to "Find Important Information" in the text as well as "Identifying the Main Idea" of what we read.  We will be looking at the stories entitled My Birthday and Our Family Outing.

Writing = Please think about where you are in the writing process (pictured below).  This week we will finish editing our pieces as well as prepare for publishing our Imagined Narrative/Adventure Fiction pieces.

Math = Last week, we began our Customary Unit of Measure chapter.  We looked at length and how to convert from each unit.  Check out our measurement booklet below which helped us think about our units.  This week, we will continue with customary units within capacity and weight.  By the end of the week, we will look at Time and how to convert it within its unit.

Spelling = Please look for new words to be sent home Monday.  We will be testing on Friday.

Content = This week we will look at Dental Health.  Mrs. Eaton use to be a Dental Hygienist and she is going to share her knowledge with both fourth grades.  We have some exciting information planned and even some donations from local dentist offices for everyone.

Highlights of the Week...

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Plays of Week #28

Reminders for the Week
Monday 3/16 = No School 
Tuesday 3/17 =  4th Quarter begins, 
Library Check-Out, and look for New Spelling Words
Friday 3/20 = Spelling Test

Reading = We will continue to infer, visualize, and analyze text structure while we read.  This week, we will be looking at shorter passages and thinking about proving our answers with support from the text.

Writing = Last Friday, we finished drafting our Imagined Narrative/Adventure Fiction writing piece.  This week we will revise, edit, and begin to put the final touches on our pieces before publishing.

Math = This week we will wrap up Chapter 10 with thinking about comparing and ordering decimals.  At the end of the week, we will begin Chapter 11 which covers measurement.  We will be looking at Customary Units first within length and capacity.  Please be sure you are practicing your Multiplication for our facts tests on Tuesday and Friday.

Spelling =  Look for new spelling words to be coming home on Tuesday and we will be testing on Friday.

Content = This week we are wrapping up our Famous Missourian unit.  We are looking more in depth at George Washington Carver as a class.  Please take a look at the pictures below of our final Famous Missourian display.  I will be uploading the videos soon to the blog and we can't wait for you to enjoy them and the hallway museum display.

Highlights from the Week...

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Plays of Week #27

Reminders for the Week
Monday 3/2 = Look for New Spelling Words
Tuesday 3/3 = Library Check-out
Thursday 3/5 = 5th grade is selling "Lucky Grams" at lunch for 25 cents and will deliver on St. Patrick's Day (more details pictured below)
4th and 5th Grade Music Performance at 6:00 pm in the All Purpose Room at Portland Students should arrive no earlier than 5:45 pm and report to their classrooms (more details pictured below)

Friday 3/6 = Panther Pride Assembly at 9:05 am
Big Event at 1:30 pm
End of 3rd Quarter
Spelling Test
Monday 3/9-Friday 3/13 = Spring Break - No School
Monday 3/16 = No School

Reading = Team Meyer has been working with poetry from the book My Man Blue.  I have been very impressed with how positive they have been and how willing to share their thinking they are.  We have been using our five senses to visualize and clues from the text to infer.  This week we will continue with more poems from this book to explore the relationship more between Blue and Damon.

Writing = This week, we are back to our Imagined/Adventure Fiction.  We will be planning/pre-writing, drafting and beginning to revise and edit at the end of the week.  I am excited to see all the creative ideas come to life through Team Meyer's drafts.

Spelling = Look for new spelling words to come home on Monday.  We will be testing on Friday.

Math = This week, we will be working within Chapter 10 which works with both fractions and decimals.  We will look at what decimals look like, how to say and model them, and focus on the tenths and hundredths place.  Later in the week, we will compare and order decimals.

Content = Social Studies = Last week we had a wonderful time dressing up as our Famous Missourians.  This week, we will complete our biography projects.  Please be sure to look for our upcoming display as we allow you to take a walk through our museum.  Everyone will get an opportunity to hear and see the biographies this Thursday when you join us for our Musical Performance.  Team Meyer should be very proud of all the hard work they have put into this project and research.

Highlights of the Week...