Reminders for the upcoming Week...
Mon. 27th = Conferences
Tues. 28th = Conferences and Library Check-out
Wed. 29th = Conferences
Thurs. 30th = Conferences, Spelling Test, Panther Pride Assembly, and Big Event
Fri. 31st = No School
Next Mon. 3rd = No School
Reading = Pictured below we worked with our Times for Kids articles to think about Wonderings within Expository texts. I think this was one of Team Meyer's favorite activity in Reading so far. They even got to pick out their own article to cut out and try our independently. This week we are going to continue to explore the book Animal Senses by Pamela Hickman during our whole group lessons.
Writing = We worked with a little festive poetry during writing this past week that you will see in the hallway when you visit Portland. Team Meyer enjoyed visualizing the pumpkin with their 5 senses and even being able to draw it. This week we are sharing our published free choice writing piece. Also, beginning Personal Narratives we will be thinking about times in our lives to write about.
Math = This week we will continue with Chapter 4 by modeling multiplication with multi-digit times single digits. We will add in the element of regrouping with multiplication and visualizing the Distributive Property. Please continue to remind Team Meyer to be practicing their multiplication facts at home to prepare for the next chapters. It will help tremendously to build confidence.
Spelling = New lists will be sent home tomorrow and we are planning to test on Thursday (no school on Friday).
Content= Science/Ecology - We will continue to take part in the Nature Unleashed program through the Missouri Conservation Department. This week we are planning to host a guest Naturalist to talk about skulls of consumers in the ecosystems we have been working with.
Highlights of the Week
Aliyah received a Positive Panther Referral this week
Thank you to the Firefighters who came to talk to Portland!
Please make sure you send in you Smoke Detector surveys.
Ms. Dutton taught her first lesson to Team Meyer! She did a wonderful job and we are lucky to have her! :) The students were about to use the Virtual Manipulative website and form groups as base ten blocks themselves.
Team Meyer filled out their own report cards for 1st Quarter. You will receive them at conferences this week. They were very reflective and I am excited to share them with you all.
Our first visit Springfield's Little Theater to see "The Phantom Tollbooth Jr." based on the novel by Norton Juster.
We worked with our Times for Kids articles as a whole group and got to pick some of our own.
Our focus was on Wonderings within expository texts.