Reminders for the upcoming Week...
Monday 13th = No School
Tuesday 14th = Picture Day and Library Check-Out
Tuesday 14th = Picture Day and Library Check-Out
Wednesday 15th = Chapter 3 Math Test
Thursday 16th = Book Order due
Friday 17th = Future Friday, Portland Wear Ordering forms are due, and Spelling Test
Thursday 16th = Book Order due
Friday 17th = Future Friday, Portland Wear Ordering forms are due, and Spelling Test
Reading = (Unit 3: Questioning) During this unit we will continue to explore expository texts and use schema to articulate what we know about a topic before we read. This week we will be using the book Slinky Scaly Slithery Snakes by Dorothy Hinshaw Patent to help us during our whole group lessons. Team Meyer knows I am not a fan of snakes so I am going to need to face my fear and learn more about it with them.
Writing = We will be Revising, Editing, working in partnerships, and wrapping up our pieces for publishing them. Team Meyer will begin the week with thinking about how to "hook" their audience in with leads. Then we will begin to Edit making our pieces "look" better. This will include examining our writing pieces for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
Math = On Tuesday, we will be reviewing Chapter 3 on Multiplication and Division. The test is tentatively Wednesday. This chapter we thought about the properties of Multiplication (pictured below), how multiplication and division are related, repeated addition (multiplication), repeated subtraction (division), factors, multiplies, and problem solving with word problems. Late in the week, we will begin Chapter 4: Multiply with One-Digit Numbers. Please remind Team Meyer to be practicing their multiplication facts at home.
Spelling = New lists will be sent home tomorrow and we are planning to test on Friday. There are pictures below of Team Meyer enjoying sorting their words.
Content= Science/Ecology - We will continue to take part in the Nature Unleashed program through the Missouri Conservation Department. This week we will look at specialized structures and camouflage that help organisms stay safe in their ecosystems. Later in the week we will look to food chains.
Highlights of the Week
Ethan received a Positive Panther Referral
Ethan received a Positive Panther Referral
We are revising in Writing: thinking about our word choice. What did you revise in your writing piece?
34th Annual Ozark Literacy Festival on Thursday
Enjoying one of Portland's snacks this week! Team Meyer has never seen anything like it, but it was actually delicious! Good thing Mrs. Meyer bravely tried it first! :)
Artwork for the week...can't wait to see these painted!
An Anchor Chart we used for reminders of the Multiplication Properties this Chapter.
Thinking about what "Self-Regulating" means with Mr. G.
Week #2 of Word Study went great!
Mrs. Castillo taught us a game to practice our Multiples in Math Workshop. Team Meyer loved playing it!
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