Sunday, November 23, 2014

Plays of Week #15

Reminders for the Upcoming Week
Monday 11/24 = Last Day for Pennies for Portland 
**Please send in your change**
Tuesday 11/25 = Panther Pride Assembly and Big Event
Wednesday 11/26 - Friday 11/28 = No School

Reading = This week we are going to look at a non-fiction article about the "History of Thanksgiving."  We will be looking at the article as a whole and how readers think through a text with a great deal of information.  Some things we will be specifically looking for will be surprising info, questions we may have, new vocabulary, connections, and important evidence throughout.

Writing = We have been making some great progress within our narrative unit.  On Friday, we replaced "weak verbs" in our own writing with "strong verbs".  Check out the chart below that we brainstormed together to help us.  This week Team Meyer is going to do a mini-project to allow for some connections with the upcoming break.  They will complete a persuasive prompt imagining they are a turkey and Thanksgiving is approaching.  I can't wait to hear the claims, reasons, and, evidence they come up with tomorrow and Tuesday.

Math =  On Friday, we began to look at the Distributive Property and the Area Model in terms of two digit multiplied by two digit numbers.  We will work with this more tomorrow and continue to think about partial products on Tuesday.  The more Team Meyer can decompose and manipulate the numbers they are working with the more they can reflect on if their answers are reasonable or not.  We did another "Number Talk" last week (chart pictured below) that focused on using our landmark/friendly numbers with addition, but as we are learning in our current chapter we can do the same thing with multiplication.

Spelling = Since this is a short week (only Monday and Tuesday) we will not have a spelling list/test for this week.  Please be looking for words coming after Thanksgiving break.

Content = Social Studies - We will be continuing with the Bill of Rights.  Certain amendments we have looked at even closer than others (pictured below).  This week we will think about what our government would look like without these rules and regulations.

Highlights of the Week

Missouri Government is in full swing in Team Meyer
Mr. Greiner is beginning our exploration of Bullying.  Our first week we learned "R - I - P."  It is explained below.

 We are thinking of numbers in different ways within our "Number Talks".  This week's focus was Using Landmark and Friendly Numbers (finding the 10) to break apart numbers in a more efficient way.
 We were finally able to go outside after the harsh weather!

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